Part 36: Episode 4: Part 9: Wrapping Up The Lab Work.
Episode 4: Part 9: Wrapping Up The Lab Work.Short update today! Just want to wrap up the lab raid, finally!

The glitchy arrows are back. Anyway, making our away back to and over the bridge, we pass through a room with a couple dead Shadow Lords and into...

Short story shorter, I go down the other way, kill some guys and find this.

Also I absorbed all the Stricite which gives me exactly enough Strides to fill every Blade Art slot if I equip all five Step 1s and 3 Step 2s. This means now Rhue will never NOT do a Blade Art on a pass, a big advantage (of sorts, some blade arts dont scale well at all, like Cool Winds 1-6 HP heal!!!) since it'll be a while before our opponents consistently do that.

It doesn't take long to absorb the Silver Stone either, since the Shadow Lords give tons of CTP. Also lots of AR.

Winding through the caverns... this is our last section of gameplay for this update.

We can't explore the other end of the hall, since Rhue and co. will automatically run into the main room when you get to close to the entry.

A little piece of trash exuding a horrible stench! A piece of trash in dire need of being disposed of!!

This little back and forth Stoyko and Jopaga have has always felt really... bad to me. Like in a teenager trying to emulate jrpgs/anime kind of way. I think it should have been cut.

Anyway, this is a short, easy fight. The Shadow Lords aren't even enhanced!


A familiar face drops down from the ceiling, scattering the party, and Rhue blacks out.

First of all, note how fucking goofy that smile is. I don't know if that's intentional but I love it. Secondly, you can see the top of Stoyko's head just above the dialogue box if you're wondering where he is.

Any volunteers?
Oh come on, you were all so eager before.

Then I'm sure you'll know the answer!

Our goood friend here has just been injected with a large dose of formula #43.
I like to call it, "The Catalyst for Separation of Body and Soul."

"However, a wanderers soul does not exist on the physical plane of the Way.
It does, however, project a "shadow" of itself which affects matter on the physical plane.
This "shadow" is a wanderer's natural aura."

"Formula #43 causes the bindings that tie a person's soul and body together to loosen.
This allows them to separate for a short period of time."

"To absorb a person's aura I use a special aura absorbent rod. This is not the only way to do it though."

"The soul would just cast another "shadow" it sounds like."

We're not sure if an aura will grow back over time. Don't take it so literally.
All of the current evidence goes against a person's soul "casting" another aura.
That's why some describe an aura simply as a semi-permanent impression on reality.

"You see, people who have their aura extracted tend to become like empty shells of what they once were.
They become much like animals, much more instinctive.
In short, the natural aura has tremendous control over a person's view of reality."

After I absorb our friend's aura with this small metal rod I can do many things with it.

Cade starts shaking, gasping and bobbing his head.

Then this crazy firey ring animation plays over Cade.

... and Rhue closes his eyes as the aura absorption animation plays over him.

Scatha silently watches as Jopaga runs back and forth between Cade and Rhue a bunch of times.

Oh well, it doesn't matter! I'll just inject you with the formula next!
The clicking injection sound plays...

He does so.

And gives Rhue the third...

If you want that special formula for your face, then you best keep your suggestions to yourself!!!

Jopaga hits Red Zero.

I don't think you've been completely honesssst with me.
After all the trouble I went through to fetch your precioussss componentsss, I would expect much better!
I want to sssee the formula that I requessssted!

Sacrifa's theme starts playing...

We go into a weird lengthy sequence of moving images, pulsing and whirling colours. The whole thing takes a couple minutes to play out... The bottom right of the last pic there looks like someone wept away in water...

Someone leaving a tent with three people behind? Where have we seen that before...

Seems to imply Rhue's Body and Soul reconnected and his aura returned? But why?

And then over a black screen, we get the Blana Sera style reversed and slowed down speech sound file.
According to a site, this sound file, the WayVoice3 sounds something like:
"These are the greater [try orals]? [trails]? [trials]? [high morals]?, you [silly]? [stupid]? things."
Anyway, that's the actual content we'll be covering this update. But there's a little more. The images we saw in Rhue's... uh... vision.

This was the first image we saw during the sequence and... I'm pretty sure I know what this is depicting and if I'm right, it's biggest possible spoiler.

Then we slowly panned over this image. You can kind of tell what it is, but Lun helpfully included the unwarped version too.

This seems pretty decisive.

And last, the familiar scene. The first real scene of Episode 1. Rhue leaving the fist he met behind, only for the Phantom Slasher to emerge and slay them. The blood is even dripping down from those... eyes? to where the Phantom Slasher emerges from the trees. Huh.
the end